Final Video
Lighting - Shot 120
Lighting - Shot 130
Lighting - Shot 180
Lighting - Shot 190
I had the privilege of working alongside many talented artists at Vetor Zero in this commercial for Toyota's RAV4 as part of the Toyotathon.
“The Journey is a story about a dad who sets on a road trip with his son to chase a lost letter to Santa, only to realize that bonding with his son is the biggest treasure he could possibly find.”
I was responsible for Look Developing the streets the car would go through, the sidewalk characters would walk on, some houses, a full mountain and a highway. I also was in charge of lighting 4 shots in which we had to make it look as realistic as possible but also make the car stand-out.
It was amazing to work with so many talented people, we had a tight deadline but we worked hard to make it beautiful.
Thank you everyone at Vetor Zero.